Then off to search for my HELLO KITTY RESTAURANT !!
Is was seriously beautiful ! Especially their cakes are nicely decorated with the well-know Hello Kitty face !
BUT SADLY, due to Mother's Day is the next day, the restaurant is fully booked for the whole day !!! Damn it ! :(
HELLO KITTY RESTAURANT ! How i wish it is in Singapore.
I love this sofa ! It will be good if it is in my house. :D Hahaa
I left with no choice but to buy two cakes and brought back to hotel for our dessert time.
We also decided to go back to put our stuffs so it won't be heavy to bring so many stuffs for shopping.
Even their plates is with Hello Kitty print !
The stuffs i bought...
Second place we are going will be Zhongxiao Dunhua !
I should say this is the place look like Far East Plaza just that is not in one mall but in many many alley.
So you just have to walk and walk and walk. I forget which exit from the mrt station is that but just know that is opposite San Want Hotel.
Shopping, shopping and shopping....
Bought clothes for my second brother and got my first Havaianas. :D
The Havaianas there is really quite cheap compared to Singapore !
Baby also bought one pair. I bought the original hot pink colour one which only cost around SGD$20.
Mother's Day event near my hotel..
This formal is really cute ! Want to buy it for my brother but baby say normally guys won't wear this cute cute stuff. :(
But is really cute & special !
Got another formal top for my second brother. :)
All the stuffs is so lovely right ! How i wish i can have everything there ! :X
Is Havaianas time !
The plain hot pink is the one i chose ! :DDD
Then finally we rested at one of the restaurant, Tang Chao which recommended from the Taipei guide book.
You will know about the book if you have read my previous post. :)
Tang Chao is a HongKong restaurant if i am not wrong.
Actually i am there to try their desserts ! But sadly to say no MANGO at the time when we were there.
End up, we ordered some dim sum... Disappointed.
Baby acting cool sia !
Rainie Yang... Hahaha..
Third place we are heading is Chiang Kai-Siek Memorial Hall Station.
I wanted to check out the Jay Chou's restaurant but due to the lack of time, we decided to give it a miss. Should try it on my next trip to Taipei. :D
So we went for BIGTOM's ice cream !
The ice cream that i had seen it in "Hai Pai Tian Xin" when Rainie always went to eat when she is upset.
saw this and i think is really cute ! they actually put it for female zone.
I am still wondering why did they put this.
Chiang Kai-Siek Memorial Hall
Is so beautiful to take picture of Taipei 101 in the night time..
*If you want to take good pictures of Taipei 101, this place is also quite a good view. Here are some pictures i took from the Chiang Kai-siek Memorial Hall.
And time for ice cream !
And yeas, is really worth it to try this ice cream !
Because the creamy and sticky texture make me so in love with it ! :DDD
The best ice cream i had tried before but sadly they don't have Hazelnut flavor.
The flavor of their ice cream looks alike to our Marvelous Cream.
We rushed off after finishing the ice cream.
Came here because saw it from Hai Pai Tian Xin
After that, i feel is really worth it ! First time tried such a delicious ice cream.
Because main thing is the texture. I love ice cream with creamy and thick texture..
Some ice cream don't have this type of texture !!
What Can I Say About This Blog I Am Totally speech Less To See This Blog And Tasty Cakes And Spacialy The Girl Is So Beautiful.................!
Thanks. Quite impress on your decorated cakes too !
The cakes is seriously designed very nice. :)
I love to bake but not very good in designing.
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