
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sometimes when things don't happen to you and you didn't get to experience it, you won't get to realize how much you have to cherish all the people around you.
And especially your family, I felt heartache and cried when everything happened.
The time, the place. My parents were there waiting for me till late.
I know how much they care for me and not forgetting my brothers too.

The scariest moment is unforgettable and i hope it was just a dream.
I really hope everything will be alright now.
And I love my family, only they are always there for me whenever i need and i know everything they say are always good for me to listen.
I deeply appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

what happened? mind sharing?

Anonymous said...

What happened? You alright?

Serene said...

I am fine, thanks for the concern.
Its quite personal though and a long story.
Don't worry, i am fine. =)